Chris presenting on stage

Elevating What it Means To Be a Maid

I’m not a typical visionary who set out to change the world. I just wanted to build a good maid service, and I made every mistake in the book on that journey.

More importantly, I encountered a problem. Maids weren’t getting the respect they deserved. Sometimes not even from their own bosses. Have you ever heard of a maid service calling their maids technicians because they are embarrassed of the word, “maid.” That didn’t sit right with me, and I am on a mission to change the perception of maids from mere cleaners to respected professionals, akin to skilled tradespeople like mechanics and plumbers. It’s time to give maids the recognition they’ve been missing, and Alpine Maids is making it happen

In addition to my mission at Alpine Maids, I bring a scientific approach to entrepreneurship. All of my businesses and coaching focuses on measuring data, constantly testing and refining our strategies to ensure optimal performance. By prioritizing empirical evidence over intuition, my team can remove emotion from decision-making, allowing us to innovate and adapt with remarkable agility.

Chris hosting a meeting

Alpine Maids Tour

Want to see behind the scenes of a 50 plus employee maid service? Book a tour, and I’ll personally show you exactly how we are elevating what it means to be a maid.

Book a tour
Chris headshot in the desert

Podcast Guest

I’d love to join your podcast as a guest and share insights from my journey as a business owner. Let’s have a conversation that resonates with your audience, offering practical advice and friendly anecdotes to enrich their listening experience.

Group of speakers presenting on stage

Event Speaker

Let’s create an experience that leaves a lasting impact. I bring a blend of expertise and approachability to engage your audience, leaving them inspired and ready to take action.

Let’s get started

Ready to unlock your business’s full potential? Let’s start the conversation today and chart a course to success together. Reach out now to schedule a consultation!

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